Patrice Locci – AJL Recording – (Composer – France)
Algam (french music store)
Alina de Brocéliande (Female Singer – France)
Amarokprog (webzine)
Best Service (music store – Germany)
Blob Audio (Vente de VSTi – France)
Coveramp ( custom amplifier cover manufacturer – Canada )
Damien Dubois – Relaxing Music Composer (France)
East West (music store – Los Angeles – USA)
Fandalism (Community of musicians – California USA)
Franck Alexander (French rock band)
Gam (webmusic store – France)
Guitar Center (music store – Los Angeles West – USA)
Hear the music play (Community of musicians – USA)
Jishu Amit Martin (Indian photographer)
Joué Music Instruments (Instruments/Contrôleurs) – Partenaire de Rémi Orts)
La machine à mixer (Tutos MAO – Montréal – Canada)
Les Bons Plans Pour un voyage à New York (to visit NYC)
Melaine Guillaume Photographe (photographer – Rennes – France)
Motu (computer-based audio and video production hardware and software)
Musea Records (french label)
My Shared Studio (shared music environment) partnership of Rémi Orts
Neva (Official website of my rock band)
Place de la musique (annuaire de site de musique)
Presonus (computer-based audio and video production hardware and software)
Prog-résiste (rock progressive website – Belgium)
Réverbnation (My reverbnation website)
Sam Ash (music store NYC – USA)
Sonarworks (Music software)) partenaire de Rémi Orts
Soundcloud (my soundcloud account)
Steinberg (Music software)
The Sentimental Lady (Video designer)
UVI (music softs, soundbanks store on line – partnership of Rémi Orts)
Webstore on line of Rémi Orts Project (Tshirts & Merchandising)